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We strive towards building Pretoria as a world-class business centre.

More about the Pretoria Sakekamer

We are the “think tank, do tank, and action tank” to establish and rebuild Pretoria as a recognised world-class business centre… BECAUSE someone has to!
If you want to be part of a community that moves away from the paralysing complaining culture of our time and chooses to be part of the “renewal” in the restoration and rebuilding of our city, the Pretoria Sakekamer is for you.
Join the Pretoria Sakekamer and become part of a community of business people and individuals who want to rebuild and establish Pretoria as a world-class business centre. We focus on the business sector which is the economic injection of Pretoria. The turnaround and improvement in Pretoria can only be achieved with the support, organisation, and mobilisation of business people.

We are the “Frontrunners”  

The Pretoria Sakekamer aims to rebuild and establish Pretoria as a world-class business centre by 2050. The solution to municipal and infrastructure decay lies in independent business people who perfect the art of turning challenges and problems into profitable and sustainable business opportunities. Good value and profitability mean jobs and prosperity for the entire Pretoria community.

Join us as stewards of our city; become a member of the Pretoria Sakekamer today!

More about the Pretoria Sakekamer

The Pretoria Sakekamer will rebuild and establish Pretoria as a world class business hub. The cure for municipal and infrastructure decay is strong, independent businesses who have mastered the art to turn obstacles into profitable solutions. Value and profitability mean employment and prosperity for the bigger Pretoria community.

  • The Pretoria Sakekamer doesn’t negotiate with any political party or organisation.
  • We take responsibility and demand accountability.
  • We consolidate economic active businesspeople and businesses in Pretoria to be a thinktank, an action group and pressure group.
  • We are affiliated with Sakeliga with their impressive litigation record.

Our call on businesses in Pretoria are simply:
Join us as stewards of the city.

Membership Options and Benefits

  • Monthly contributions are paid via debit order
  • Annual payments are made via EFT (please send an email to

Contact me for an inquiry about membership

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